Thursday, 22 April 2010

Poached Salmon with Fennel, Broccoli and Tomato Salsa

Here is my dinner tonight, a great recipe because it only takes around 30 minutes to prepare and cook and as I've been so busy today, it's just what I need. Salmon and anchovies are oily fish and a good source of omega-3. Plus there's heaps of vegetables and a good shot of olive oil.

Ingredients: (Serves 2)
2 wild salmon fillets
10 peppercorns
2 bay leaves
A large fennel bulb, finely sliced. Top shoots and base of bulb reserved
Tenderstem broccoli or purple sprouting broccoli
4 anchovies, finely chopped
3 vine tomatoes, diced
1 red onion, diced
Handful of fresh basil, ripped
Juice of 1 lemon
2 fl oz olive oil

Put the fennel tops and base, peppercorns and bay leaves into a pan of water big enough to cover the salmon fillets. Bring to the boil.
After a few minutes boiling, remove the pan from the heat and add the salmon, cover and leave for 15 minutes. When done remove the salmon from the stock (keep this for other recipes), and take the skin off then flake into pieces.

While the salmon is cooking, prepare the salsa by combining the onion, tomatoes and anchovies in a small bowl, add the lemon and oil and at the last minute the basil. Mix it all together thoroughly.

Serve the salmon on a bed of the steamed broccoli and fennel and drizzle the salsa over the top.

Caveman genes, spaceman diet

It is generally accepted that the human genome was selected in adaptation to stone age living circumstances culminating in the appearance of behaviourally modern humans between 100,000 and 50,000 years ago. Since then adaptation has mainly involved cultural modification with various ‘revolutions’. The agricultural revolution approximately 10,000 years ago, the industrial revolution from the late 18th century and the technological revolution in the mid 20th century.

During the last 50,000 years there have been few generally recognised genetic changes and our genome remains adapted for a paleolithic lifestyle. This discrepancy between our genes and our culture has produced a mismatch that affects our lives, it is responsible for chronic degenerative diseases that are the cause of most mortality in westernised nations. Differences in reproductive behaviour, sleep patterns, physical activity, microbial interactions, social interactions all play important parts in evolutionary discordance theory.

An important factor is the fundamental change in nutrition, particularly since the agricultural revolution. Before this time our ancestors consumed wild meat and fish, fruits and vegetables and nuts and seeds. I have been experimenting with this evolutionary approach to food over the last few years and have created this blog to help me and anyone who may be interested in following a natural diet.